This spring, our arborists and technicians spotted freeze damage in various plants that caused dieback; most notably were Viburnum, Ligustrum and Palms. Some trees, specifically Ash and Monterrey Oaks were subjected to damage for the cold snap.
What We’re Doing
From May through October, we are on insect and disease patrol! Our special treatments help control and prevent damage in your landscape.
- We conduct four applications about every 30-40 days to protect from chewing & sucking insects and fungal diseases.
- We use systemic pesticides that are absorbed by the plant whenever we can. They work their way through the plant’s tissues, killing disease and insects as they do. Plus, they’re great for your landscape and the environment!
What You Can Do
Did you know more water in your landscape causes more harm than good? This is the primary source of nutrient deficiency! No more than an inch weekly is needed for your beds. To build root strength, the plant needs to process the water, so allow at least 2-3 days between waterings.
Use correct watering habits to avoid fungal, bacterial and algae diseases. Apply the “Goldilocks” technique. Under-watering your trees and shrubs can make them more susceptible to fungus and insect issues, but overwatering is even more dangerous because it can actually end up killing the plant. It’s a common misconception that you should water a whole lot at one time, and that’s not true. With our limestone and clay soils, you really want to do low amounts of time when you’re watering. Ten to 15 minutes twice a week is “just right”.
Trees, shrubs, and plants are your largest landscaping investment, take time to enjoy and inspect them at least every two weeks. If you see anything which causes concern, please give us a call and we will send your technician.
Ready for the summer heat? We are!