We’re all exhaling a sigh of relief as we approach bearable temps this fall. Can you believe it: not only did we nearly break Texas’s all-time heat record, with areas getting up to 119 degrees, but we also won (woohoo) first place for hottest state this year. (kxan, 6/23). Just like it’s drained the energy and hydration from our bodies, it’s taken its toll on our lawns. Let’s discuss what you can expect in the upcoming months on your lawn and from our team and some guidance on what you can do to encourage restoration and health.

Farmer’s Almanac predicts above-average temperatures around 79 degrees (national average: 77 degrees), and below-average precipitation, around 3.5” (national average: 5.5”) for Central Texas through September (Farmer’s Almanac, 2023).


What We’re Seeing

Dead or dormant? It’s hard to tell when your grass looks like the life was sucked out of it in either scenario. Your lawn might have responded to the severe drought by entering dormancy or died from damage.

Here’s how to tell the difference:

  • Dormant grass: roots will hold if you pull the grass gently and the lawn will survive up to a month with signs of new growth and recovery
  • Dead grass: blades will pull up easily and it is most likely dead if there are no signs of recovery

Honestly, the cracked ground might be growing on us at this point (said with sarcasm).

  • Texas has a lot of clay-based soil that forms giant cracks in response to severe drought
  • This happens because the water has evaporated from the soil, causing compaction as the silicate sheets collapse onto one another – essentially, your soil is shrinking!
  • As we see moisture return to our environment, these cracks will go away on their own. 

It’s fungus season! Every year, we see brown patch make an appearance, typically on St. Augustine & Zoysia lawns. As humidity increases and nature dampens, an imbalance of water or improper care can cause your lawn to embrace this disease.

The faster we can attack this fungus, the better! Here are some symptoms of Brown Patch to look out for:

  • Discolored, doughnut-shaped damage with a patch of green in the middle
  • Fragile blades that are easily pulled up
  • Damaged areas ranging from several inches to feet in diameter

If your lawn is fighting against brown spot fungus, it’s not uncommon for scars to be prominent and most likely stick around instead of healing during the growing season.

As we start seeing more rainfall, we’ll be seeing more weed infestations. In addition, yards with drought damage are prone to experience increased weed activity as there is less turf to battle for nutrients.

But wait, it gets better. Grubs and armyworms will make a comeback! This is the time of year that we see the most activity and these pests can quickly devour and destroy your lawn.

Keep an eye out for:

  • Discoloration
  • Grubs or armyworms in or around your yard
  • Stripped, transparent foliage
  • Damaged areas appear similar to drought stress

What We’re Doing

We use Liquid Aeration to satisfy your turf’s demand for water, air, and nutrients. The treatment works across the entire surface of your lawn, relieving compaction and aiding in drought recovery!

Here’s how the application works:

  • The liquid solution creates millions of tiny holes or pathways in the ground
  • The holes provide an entrance for essential air, water, and nutrients to enter the soil
  • This process encourages breathability in compacted soil, giving the space needed for roots to grow deeper
  • Liquid Aeration has a compounding effect, each treatment builds upon the last
  • In contrast to core aeration, this treatment reaches every inch of surface across your property and doesn’t pose a threat to buried lines or sprinklers

Our Organic Topdressing invigorates your turf health to improve soil composition and aid your lawn in drought recovery. Coupling Liquid Aeration and Topdressing creates a powerful duo, feeding & opening your lawn for vibrant turf and hardy roots.

Why is our Organic Topdressing mix perfect for Central Texas turf?

  • Improves soil conditions
  • Increases root density & health
  • Stimulates thick, gorgeous growth
  • Promotes healthier turf that fights weeds
  • Nutrients & organic matter trigger microbial activity
  • Leveling effect that smooths the lumps & bumps across your lawn’s surface

Through September, we are fighting for recovery in Round 6 of our Fertilization & Weed Control program. Here’s our remedy:

  • Slow-release liquid fertilizer to sustain soil microbial activity & feed grass
  • Humic acid to reduce heat & drought stress
  • Liquid nitrogen to encourage a beautiful, long-lasting color
  • UAN (Urea, Ammonium, and Nitrate) add many benefits even without watering

As we approach October, we’ll transition to Round 7 or our Fertilization & Weed Control program. This treatment prepares your lawn for cooler months by adding micro-organisms to increase the roots’ holding capacity.

For Bermuda lawns specifically, we:

  • Rejuvenate areas impacted by summer stress with a low dose of nitrogen
  • Prevent weed invasions with our 6-month weed control barrier

In our approach to St. Augustine & Zoysia lawns, we:

  • Increase water & nutrient uptake and strengthen grass with potassium
  • Promote leaf growth with nitrogen
  • Combat weeds without harming the root system with a specialized, light pre-emergent

Our weapon of choice against the ferocious grub: our Fall Grub Control application. Grubs & armyworms don’t stand a chance against our approach:

  • Season-long protection & control with just one application
  • Ongoing support from our experts who keep a keen eye out for pest damage
  • Free service calls for our program customers
  • Our method is environmentally friendly, not affecting pets, birds, fish, & pollinators

We take fungus seriously, tackling outbreaks with our Fungicide treatments for a spot-free yard. Our techs are trained to notice and accurately identify diseases and quickly respond with our effective solution as part of your lawn program.

What You Can Do

Don’t put your lawn mower away just yet! Here’s our fall mowing guide:

  • Expect to mow every 5-10 days before dormancy
  • The best time to mow is when the grass is dry, between mid-morning & early evening
  • Avoid spreading disease by regularly cleaning your mower blades, especially after cutting spots with diseases like Helminthosporium
  • Prevent the threat of thatch build-up, diseases, & pests by bagging your grass clippings
  • Bermuda & fine-bladed Zoysia: 1” to 2”
  • Palisades Zoysia: 2” to 3”
  • St. Augustine: 3” to 4”
  • When cooler temps arrive, lower your mower a notch for dense St. Augustin grass to lower the risk of brown patches and help control moisture levels

Your lawn is craving water. But how much is just right? Check out our fall watering guide:

  • Utilize the seasonal watering setting on your irrigation system to provide the right amount of water & reduce the watering frequency (Example: 80-degree avg. high = 80% seasonal adjust setting)
  • Ideally water 12 a.m. & 8 a.m.

Time to whip out the rake & trash bag, your lawn needs a deep fall cleaning. Debris can block sunlight, drain moisture from the soil, and attract insects & disease to your yard.

Here’s the seasonal cleaning to-do list:

  • Rake & bag leaves, sticks, trash, etc. weekly
  • Keep removable objects like toys & chairs off the lawn as much as possible
  • Avoid heavy foot traffic, especially on lawns recovering from drought damage
  • Holiday décor can also create these challenges, so keep this in mind as you prepare for holidays


What We’re Seeing

This summer was literally scorchin’ hot. Due to the high heat index, we’re seeing:

  • Leaf scorch
  • Soil compaction
  • Early leaf drop

We’re seeing certain cases of over-watering to compensate for the lack of summer irrigation.

  • This can agitate stress and make it worse, in some instances forcing the tree/shrub to shut down and not consume the water properly
  • If you are seeing yellowing plants (while watering regularly), your problem could be that plants are staying too wet. They should fully dry out between waterings, so be sure to check your irrigation to avoid over-watering!
  • Another trigger is running watering zones or bubbler heads for long lengths of time.

It’s true, mulch has a lot of benefits for your landscape. However, there is such a thing as too much! We’ve seen several circumstances of mulch piled around the base of plants, blocking the airflow to the root ball. This can cause too much water to build up at the base and over time cause root stress, stunted growth, and in extreme cases, root rot. A healthy amount of mulch is up to 3 inches deep; keep in mind that mulch retains moisture, so you can water less but still reach the same goal!

What We’re Doing

Fluctuating insect activity relating to temperature & stress requires a strategic plan of action.

Our Tree & Shrub program addresses these seasonal challenges, promoting plant health and protecting against diseases & pests:

  • 2nd root zone feeding supplies your landscape with minerals, stress relief, and advances root development
  • Fertilizer balances deficiencies & restores energy, developing the hardiness needed to face winter and emerge vibrantly in the spring
  • Our pros are on your yard every 35-50 days to apply our treatment that protects & controls diseases & pests like leaf spot fungus, scale, aphids, lace bugs, and sooty mold

What You Can Do

If you’ve been glaring down that blank spot in your landscape, now is a great time to fill it in. Planting a new tree or shrub is exciting; check out our guides for plant recommendations and the planting process.

Keep your plants properly hydrated with our fall watering regimen:

  • Your plants should receive one inch of water a week in the dripline
  • Water in 2 short, back-to-back cycles in the morning. For example, if you water 40 min a zone per cycle, break these into 2x 20 min cycles for a deeper soak
  • Avoid watering overnight to prevent fungus – this goes for both the lawn and landscape
  • When temps consistently drop below 85 degrees, reduce your watering by half

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