Tree Fertilizer Services for Texas-sized Curb Appeal from Temple to Waco
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Getting a custom quote is simple
Year-Round Rejuvenation & Protection
Seasonal Fertilization
Up to 7 applications to address every stage of growth.
Prevent Disease
Disease is so prevalent, 4 apps are needed to control leaf spot, fungus sooty mold, & blight.
Control Insect Infestations
No more of these “chewers & suckers” spider mites, caterpillars, aphids, whiteflies, & lace bugs.

Seasonal Fertilization
Up to 7 applications to address every stage of growth.

Prevent Disease
Disease is so prevalent, 4 apps are needed to control leaf spot, fungus sooty mold, & blight.

Control Insect Infestations
No more of these “chewers & suckers” spider mites, caterpillars, aphids, whiteflies, & lace bugs.
Best Fertilization for Your Trees & Shrubs. Guaranteed.
Local Pros Delivering Tree Disease & Insect Care
See why folks from Temple, Belton, Salado, Woodway, and Waco love their year-round tree & shrub care.

Protection & New Year Rejuvenation

Root Zone Feeding & Bloom Accelerator

Insect & Disease Control and Prevention

Insect & Disease Control and Prevention
"You will not be disappointed!"
Emerald Lawns has been fantastic for my yard. If your yard isn't green and you are dealing with all of the Texas bugs, give them a call. You will not be disappointed!
"Would highly recommend."
Brandon was very courteous and explained to me the work he would be doing! He did a great job! Would highly recommend.
"Very professional and helpful."
I am new to sign up with Emerald Lawns. Today was my first scheduled treatment. My technician was Austin. He did a fertilizer treatment and weed killer. It’s nice that Emerald Lawns does not require a contract.
- Bradford Pear
- Cypress Family – Arizona Cypress, Bald Cypress, Italian Cypress, Leyland Cypress
- Cedar Elm
- Lacebark Elm
- Magnolia
- Oak Family – Live Oak, Red Oak, Monterrey (White) Oak, Burr Oak, Post Oak, Chincapin Oak
- Red Bud
- Salvia
- Texas Ash
- Texas Mountain Laurel
- Silver Leaf Maple
- Agave
- Bicolor Iris
- Crepe Myrtle
- Cotoneaster
- Euonymus
- Gardenia
- Holly
- Iliagnus
- Indian Hawthorne
- Japanese Boxwood
- Japanese Yew
- Lantana
- Ligustrum
- Loropetalum
- Nandina
- Oleander
- Pittosporum
- Pyracantha
- Red Tip Photinia
- Roses, Rose of Sharon
- Red Yucca, Soft Leaf Yucca
- Sago Palm, Mexican Fan Palm
- Salvia
- Sky Pencil
- Texas Sage
- Variegated Privet
- Viburnum
- Vinca
- Wax Myrtles
- Dwarf Yaupon, Yaupon Hollies