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Welcome to our New Website! Chat with a Pro to take your lawn from good to great!

Started from a spare room we’re a Texas lawn care company that puts people first, takes ownership, & listens well…all with a little bit of grit.

At Emerald Lawns, we create and maintain environments that are great places to live, work, and play. Find out more today!

Lawn Care | Temple Area

Lawn Fertilization Services in Temple, TX

Frame 26

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Green Grass, Less Weeds, Year-Round. Yes, Please!

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Your personal ‘lawn geek’ can nurture healthy turf with custom-developed lawn fertilization services & weed control products designed for your Texas lawn!
  • Lush, Thick Grass

    Home-town experience & precise lawn fertilization.

  • Weed Prevention

    Put the kaboom on Texas-sized weeds year-round.

  • Grub Control & More

    By the time they’re visible, the damage is already done.

  • Contain Turf Disease

    We fight lawn fungus with persistence & a watchful eye.

Lawn Background 2 

Lush, Thick Grass

Home-town experience & precise lawn fertilization.

Dandelion Weed 

Weed Prevention

Put the kaboom on Texas-sized weeds year-round.


Grub Control & More

By the time they’re visible, the damage is already done.


Contain Turf Disease

We fight lawn fungus with persistence & a watchful eye.

Personalized Lawn Care

Make Memories on​ Barefoot-Worthy Grass

Taking chemistry, local soil biology & weather into account, your lawn will be healthy & vivacious year-round.
Grow A Lawn You Love

Enjoy a Healthy Lawn in Every Texas Season

We apply 8 rounds of specific nutrients & preventative applications to address poor pH & limestone-ridden soil, creating the environment where roots want to grow.
  • Late Winter
  • Early Spring
  • Spring
  • Early Summer
  • Summer
  • Late Summer
  • Fall
  • Winter

Soil Enhancer (Jan-Feb)

Round 1

Your lawn starts the year strong with under-the-surface soil amendments that address the challenges of clay-heavy and compaction-prone Texas soil.
We apply humic acid to boost water retention, increase the availability of essential nutrients, improve soil structure, and stimulate the growth of beneficial soil microorganisms.
Additionally, we apply a pre-emergent treatment to target any lingering late-germinating weeds.
With every visit, we control weeds by spot-treating them using a specially formulated solution that can handle even the toughest Texas weeds.

Revitalizer & Weed Barrier (Feb-Mar)

Round 2

At this stage, we ensure your lawn gets the nourishment it needs with our custom-blended fertilizer containing bio-nutrients. We also apply pre-emergent weed control to prevent weeds from germinating and sprouting in your lawn.
Quick and slow-release fertilizers encourage your lawn to grow thicker at a steady, healthy rate.
Nitrogen supports spring growth by boosting vertical development and enhancing that vibrant green color.
Pre-emergent weed control for Bermuda and Buffalo lawns helps manage aggressive spring weeds.
Potassium promotes strong, deep root systems for long-term lawn health.
For St. Augustine lawns, we add sulfur to balance the soil’s high pH levels.
Our team will also spot-treat common lawn issues like lawn insects and diseases.

Spring Color Burst & Growth Enhancer (Mar-Apr)

Round 3

During spring, grasses start to grow vigorously. We support their healthy growth on your lawn using nitrogen, a primary nutrient required for thicker, lusher, and greener lawns.
Spring to early summer is also when beetle eggs hatch into grubs. We apply high-quality, long-lasting grubworm treatment once annually, between March and November, to protect your lawn from these root-damaging pests.
With our weed and grub control treatments as well as our lawn fertilization services in Frisco, TX, you can be confident that your lawn will stay green and healthy throughout spring.

Stress Reliever (Apr-Jun)

Round 4

Summer in Texas means lots of scorching hot days. Excess heat stresses lawns, so to counteract its effects and fortify your turf, we apply the following:
Nitrogen: Supports consistent stolon growth while reducing the chances of lawn “burn” damage
Fulvic Acid: Along with essential nutrients, fulvic acid conditions the soil, preparing it for warmer temperatures.
Weed Treatment: Targets and manages grassy weeds
Spot Treatment: As-needed treatments for broadleaf weeds, fungi, and harmful insects

Rejuvenator (Jun-Jul)

Round 5

Too much heat can cause lawns to wilt and become stressed, leaving them vulnerable to diseases, pests and thinning. We provide lawn fertilization services for Texas lawns that help them withstand the Texas heat and stay lush and healthy. These involve applications of: 

  • Slow-release Liquid nitrogen: Keeps grass green for longer without burning 
  • Humic and Fulvic Acid: Reduces turf heat
  • Organic Matter: Amends soil for better moisture retention and nutrient availability 

As always, we apply spot treatments for broadleaf weeds as well as treat lawn insects and turf disease.

Recovery (Jul-Sep)

Round 6 

Our new slow-release liquid fertilizer keeps your lawn green and healthy throughout summer. This product supports microbial activity and provides steady nourishment to the soil. We also apply:
Humic and Fulvic Acid: Reduces thatch as well as improves water retention
Slow-release Liquid Nitrogen: Ensures long-lasting, healthy green color
As with every visit, we provide spot treatments against broadleaf weeds, turf disease and lawn insects whenever necessary.

Harmonizer & Weed Barrier (Sep-Oct)

Round 7

When the chill enters the air, we prepare your lawn for the colder months ahead. Our focus during fall is to restore your lawn from surface-level stress while keeping weeds in check below the surface.
We add microorganisms to boost the roots’ ability to hold onto nutrients.
For Bermuda Lawns:
  • A small dose of nitrogen revives areas hit by summer issues like drought, disease and pests.
  • Our six-month weed control barrier blocks weeds before they can even sprout.
For St. Augustine/Zoysia Lawns:
  • Nitrogen keeps St. Augustine growing strong.
  • A light pre-emergent treatment tackles weeds without damaging the roots.

Winter Soil Conditioner (Nov-Dec)

Round 8

During winter, grass goes dormant, but the roots and soil still need nourishment and care. We continue providing lawn fertilization services for Frisco, TX, lawns during this time. 

We use: 

  • Potassium: Helps stressed areas bounce back faster from drought and reduces damage in the winter
  • Sulfur: This tackles high pH levels caused by limestone and local water.
  • Magnesium: This essential macronutrient keeps your lawn strong.

We’ll also spot-treat any broadleaf weeds, insects, or lawn diseases as needed.

Custom Solutions for Your Lawn

Weed-Free Turf Your Neighbors Will Notice

When is the best time to apply weed killer? Well, pretty much year round.
  • Spring & Fall Pre-Emergent

    We lay a high-quality & long-lasting weed barrier twice a year, stopping weeds beneath your lawn’s surface.

  • Spot Treat Weeds on Every Visit

    Careful inspection of your lawn will ensure that any stray weeds are promptly treated by the pros.

  • Custom Blended Weed Control

    Our proprietary weed-treatment formula addresses all the variables of weed growth, from weather to soil to grass type.


Spring & Fall Pre-Emergent

We lay a high-quality & long-lasting weed barrier twice a year, stopping weeds beneath your lawn’s surface.


Spot Treat Weeds on Every Visit

Careful inspection of your lawn will ensure that any stray weeds are promptly treated by the pros.


Custom Blended Weed Control

Our proprietary weed-treatment formula addresses all the variables of weed growth, from weather to soil to grass type.

Control Grubs & Pests

“What is the best grub control?”
Our guaranteed grub treatment draws them in & controls them in one swift application.
  • Grub Control

    Selecting the best treatment for your grass type, we’ll lay a best-in-class product to protect from permanent damage all year.​

  • Armyworms

    These pests can impact an entire lawn in just days! We’ll work with you to stop them in their tracks.

  • Ongoing Attention

    On every visit, our pros proactively examine your lawn for any signs of pests & take care of it.


Grub Control

Selecting the best treatment for your grass type, we’ll lay a best-in-class product to protect from permanent damage all year.​



These pests can impact an entire lawn in just days! We’ll work with you to stop them in their tracks.

Anuvia-EmeraldLawns_075_background blurred 

Ongoing Attention

On every visit, our pros proactively examine your lawn for any signs of pests & take care of it.

“Why is my lawn discolored?”

Fix Lawn Disease

Fungus loves Texas’ warm, humid climate. We’ll come ready to identify & spot-treat disease each time we come.
  • Brown Patch

    Over-watering & excessive rains, mixed with Texas heat, make this fungus one that we see frequently. When caught early, our team can defeat it.

  • Take-All Patch

    Early identification & treatment of Take-All Patch can save your lawn.

  • Leaf Spot & More

    From Helminth to Gray Leaf Spot, your technician will know what to look for & the precise application to end the disease and prevent lawn burn or worse.


Brown Patch

Over-watering & excessive rains, mixed with Texas heat, make this fungus one that we see frequently. When caught early, our team can defeat it.


Take-All Patch

Early identification & treatment of Take-All Patch can save your lawn.


Leaf Spot & More

From Helminth to Gray Leaf Spot, your technician will know what to look for & the precise application to end the disease and prevent lawn burn or worse.

"You will not be disappointed!"

Emerald Lawns has been fantastic for my yard. If your yard isn't green and you are dealing with all of the Texas bugs, give them a call. You will not be disappointed!

"Would highly recommend."

Brandon was very courteous and explained to me the work he would be doing! He did a great job! Would highly recommend

"Very professional and helpful."

I am new to sign up with Emerald Lawns. Today was my first scheduled treatment. My technician was Austin. He did a fertilizer treatment and weed killer. It’s nice that Emerald Lawns does not require a contract. 


Question: What is the best weed control?
Answer: Controlling weeds is an ongoing battle and not a “one-and-done” event!
Weeds have the ability to grow anywhere there’s room and consequently, they’re everywhere. Weed seeds come in abundance and from many sources. Additionally, they have the ability to lay dormant in the soil for years before germinating. When actively growing, weeds produce thousands of seeds per plant. As a result, weeds disperse those seeds throughout the season.
Here are some tips we advise:
1. Know what you’re working with. Different types of weeds require different treatments.
2. Mow often. Despite the concern that mowing can spread weed seeds, it’s more beneficial to the health and density of your lawn to mow frequently. By having a thick, full lawn you essentially help “crowd out” the weeds. Correspondingly, weeds grow when there is space for them and a thick lawn reduces available space for the weeds to grow in.
3. Apply a pre-emergent in the fall and spot-treat weeds throughout the year to help grow healthy turf and reduce weeds.
4. Coupled with those other tips, follow our watering guidelines to nurture your lawn and stop weeds in their tracks.
Here are some resources you may find helpful to maintain a weed-free lawn:
Question: Why do you do 8 lawn applications?

Answer: There are three reasons!

1st, the exact timing based upon what the soil needs and the weather.

2nd, We apply lower doses more frequently. This produces superior results, is better for your turf, soil, and environment.

And 3rd, it enables you to request service calls and in-between application treatments to ensure you are 100% satisfied!

Question: Do I have to buy the entire lawn care program? Answer: No, you don’t! You can purchase “a la carte” treatments. However, to receive service calls between regularly scheduled applications, we require a minimum of a 6 application program.
Question: Is there a contract for the fertilization and weed control program? Answer: No, there isn’t! We do not believe in requiring or tying a customer to an annual contract.
Question: What should I expect with my first lawn fertilizer service?
Answer: Your application will be scheduled out 3 to 5 business days after our first discussion with you
You do not need to be home to receive a lawn application; we’ll leave our notes at your front door
Please be sure to unlock the gate to your backyard and have pets put away
Watering your fertilization treatment within 24 hours will greatly improve its efficacy
Each application is approximately 6 weeks apart
Question: What sets you apart from other lawn fertilizing companies near me?
Answer: We are a lawn fertilizer company that offers a “whole product” solution which is a combination of:
  • Friendly Customer Service
  • Unique Custom Fertilizer Blend (designed specifically for Texas)
  • The Perfect Timing for Each Application (and how each application builds upon the other)
  • Training, Licensing & Certifications of our Technicians
  • and finally our 100% Guarantee