Prices starting at $83.28…
Outdoor Flea & Tick Prevention
for Your Beloved Pets
It’s not just itching & scratching, these pests are the leading cause for some serious diseases.
90 Day Guarantee
This outdoor flea control and tick control application is an effective addition for your pet’s health and well-being. Each treatment is guaranteed for 90 days.
Works Fast!
You will notice results in just days. If you spot fleas/ticks in your yard between your 4 applications per year, we’ll visit for free!
We’ll Earn Your Trust Every Visit
The product should be dry before you can safely enjoy your lawn and results are visible within a few days!
Within a few days!
This will require a sales representative to measure your lawn! If you already have a lawn program you can call the office for a specific quote.
Yes! With our plan including four applications in a year, spot treatments are free of charge.
Yes! It is completely safe for children, pets, and the environment.
Call 512-990-2199 or click for a free quote!
Have your first flea & tick control application scheduled 3 to 5 business days after our first discussion with you.