In dry Texas weather, preventing drought stress can be a challenge.
Here are steps to help prevent drought stress in your lawn!
1. Use the Cycle & Soak Watering Method. Water your lawn in three or four shorter cycles until you’ve reached 1″ of water. Shorter cycles allow the water to soak into the soil a little at a time, avoiding a runoff. Not only will you incrementally increase the depth of the water’s reach, but you’ll also promote deeper roots and healthier plants.
2. Maintain proper seasonal mowing heights. Protect your lawn from drought stress by cutting no more than 1/3 of the leaf blade when mowing.
3. Utilize Water Retention Applications (surfactants) & Optimized Irrigation Systems. Our team can ensure that your lawn water is being retained and isn’t wasted via excess evaporation or runoff.
4. Grass Cycle – Keep the grass clippings, don’t bag them. The clippings have water in them as well as nutrients that are vital for your drought-stressed lawn. Return them to the soil. Your lawn will look like it needs to be raked. Don’t worry! The grass blades will quickly fall between the standing grass blades and disappear from sight.
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