We all know that a hard, dried-out sponge doesn’t get the job done. It requires moisture to be effective and useful. The same is true with your lawn, it needs a good WET(ting) so it too can absorb water more effectively.
One of the leading causes of poor watering is a tense and dry lawn. If your yard is tense, it can cause the water to collect at the surface level of grass, and not penetrate to the soil, much like a sponge.
In order to maximize your lawn’s watering efficiency, while minimizing water waste, we have found the perfect solution. With penetrants like Hydretain, moisture goes deeper into the soil, producing a healthy lawn.
Maximize your Water Usage in the Texas Heat

While the hot summer sun is busy evaporating the water on your lawn and drying out your soil, Emerald Lawns is hard at work, helping you increase water retention in your yard.
How do we do it, you ask?
We Employ Scientific Breakthrough to Increase Water Efficiency by 50%

To give your grass the best fighting chance, we offer Hydretain.
This product uses science to pull humidity from the air into your soil, transforming the humidity into plant-usable water droplets!
The treatment we apply:
- Increases water penetration and retention
- Improves nutrient absorption for a healthier lawn
- Is ideal for turf, gardens, and landscaping alike
Watch Hydretain in action!
Help Your Lawn Beat the Texas Heat with Hydretain
Proudly servicing lawns from Harker Heights to Kyle
* http://www.aquaaidsolutions.com