Temple, you’re looking green this month! We’re back to give you the latest update on what we’re seeing on Texan lawns, straight from turf expert and Temple branch manager, Nick Lott.
Overall turf health is looking wonderful! We’re seeing some St. Augustine lawns with leftover browning and thatch buildup. However, there are healthy, green runners beneath the thatched areas. Additionally, some St. Augustine lawns are experiencing some yellowing/discoloration.

Bermuda lawns are thriving this time of year. However, there is some leftover browning due to inconsistent mowing.
The recipe to promote a healthy lawn and control weeds is to keep your grass consistently trimmed. This will help lawns that are not seeing consistent and thick growth. We’re seeing a lot of dying weeds and tall weeds that need to be mowed.

Help your turf breathe and receive all the necessary nutrients, water, and air by dethatching your yard. Rake the dead thatch out to expose runners and permit growth. We can also apply our specialized fertilizer to help aid in recovery!

We’re seeing some awkward tree & shrub growth due to severe weather patterns in years past. We’re also seeing damage from last summer’s heat and drought. Some plants appear dead, but they are simply delayed and will bloom eventually! Don’t pull them yet. Additionally, we’re seeing cases of leaf spot disease.

As far as insect activity, we’re seeing a lot of bagworms. Keep an eye out for insect damage:
- Discoloration
- Chewed leaves
- Sooty mold
Now is a great time to trim and prune your plants! If you’re looking for some tips, we have a fantastic guide for all things pruning.
Be careful of overwatering your landscape; you may think this is necessary in preparation for summer, but it can lead to all sorts of problems like disease. It’s best to water as needed and let the ground dry out between waterings.
What’s the pest activity like in your area?
- Cockroaches: Considerable
- Rodents: Mild
- Wasps & Hornets: Considerable
- Spiders: Moderate
- Mosquitoes: Moderate
- Fleas & Ticks: Mild
The top pests we’re seeing this time of year are mosquitoes, fire ants, and wasps. Reduce mosquito populations in your yard by removing any stagnant bodies of water that are breeding grounds.

Call our pros to take care of those stinging pests like wasps and ants! Be careful of disturbing ant mounds as our treatments work best on an intact mound.

Keep your home pest-free by following sanitary practices, decluttering your yard, and inviting friends into your yard like birds & chickens.