The 8 Essentials Your Lawn is Craving and Our BIG Announcement
Aggressive weeds, poor pH soil, and Texas weather wreak havoc on your lawn, and frustration with many homeowners. Not anymore! We have developed a new custom blend especially for Texas.
This is our most significant update to our product line in the past 10 years. Working alongside several of our key manufacturers and their team of scientists, we have developed a unique “brew”, where chemistry and biology unite, improving soil structure, infusing microbial activity, adding organic material and nutrients while improving water intake. This all ensures that your turf is healthier, thicker, and greener, even in the heat of summer.

Custom Fertilizer Blend Highlights
- We’re putting the kaboom on those Texas-sized weeds with an entirely new formula. This is so BIG, we put all our technicians through a week of training and recalibrated our pumps, sprayers, and nozzles.
- Impressive synergistic effects delivered by the combination of ingredients. Each application amplifies the impact of the other and reacting with soil, root, and water to produce significantly more microbial activity. The end result is a thicker, deeper root system that yields healthier, dense turf choking out weeds and warding off disease and heat stress
What You Will Learn About Your Fertilization Applications
Just like Colonel Sanders, we won’t give away our secret recipe, however, you will learn about many of the key ingredients within our custom blend and the 8-application program.
- Timing – how each app builds upon the other
- How we improve soil structure
- Tuned to accommodate Texas weather
- Develop a superior root system
- Recommendations that will have your neighbors saying, “Why doesn’t our lawn look that good?!”
“Waking and shaking things up under the surface”
While your turf may still be dormant, the root system and soil never went to sleep. Your first round of fertilization is just like breakfast, the most important meal of the day.
While the soil is cooler and able to retain water, our objective is to jump-start the soil and root system by opening the dirt’s “pores” enabling the nutrients to go deep and broad, wherein the root system “stretches” to chase them.

Noteworthy Ingredients: All work together to build a superior root system, the foundation of an amazing and healthy lawn.
- Humas improves your soil in several ways, helping it to retain water and nutrients. In addition, it detoxifies the soil, improves the growth of beneficial microorganisms, helps balance our high pH levels, and further stimulates the soil’s bioactivity.
- Our pre-emergent tackles any late-germinating weeds
Note: With our new formula and application technique, we always spot treat weeds as needed.
Fertilizer and Weed Control Round 2: February to March
“Continue to thicken & develop root structure under the surface & choke out weeds on the surface”
Note: The two primary grass types we have in Texas are Bermuda and St. Augustine (and variants of these).

Noteworthy Ingredients:
- Prodiamine picks up where last fall’s weed control barrier left off. It prunes the roots on the new aggressive spring weeds without impacting the turf’s roots.
- To jump-start the vertical growth of the grass, we up the nitrogen.
- To maintain root growth (both across your lawn and in density), we increase the potassium. This helps repair any areas impacted by stress, drought, or thin patches of turf.
Being an “aggressive” turf that produces weaving layers of grass (like plywood) our goal is density. This unique growth pattern is facilitated by stolon’s, which are horizontal growth shoots that travel just above the ground. As the grass continues gaining thickness, St. Augustine naturally chokes out weeds.
Depending upon soil temperatures, we apply either custom-blended liquid or granular formulation to aid St. Augustine turf through transition.
Noteworthy Ingredients:
If we see grub damage from the previous year, we add more phosphorous and potassium to help recover the lawn.
- We use organic fertilizers whenever possible and ensure all our products are homogenized (which brings turf density) and are sustainable.
- Promoting stolon growth, the nitrogen rate is raised.
- Lawns emerging from winter dormancy also receive iron for color, plus manganese, potassium, and other beneficial micro-organisms to boost overall soil health.
- A double shot of phosphorous helps the roots grow deep. Without phosphorus, root growth slows dramatically.
Note: We always spot-treat weeds as needed. With our new formula, one for BERMUDA & another for ST. AUGUSTINE, and improved application technique, we’re more equipped than ever to take care of those weeds!
☞ Pro-Tip
To vastly improve the soil structure and root system of your lawn add Topdressing and Liquid Aeration between February and May. Liquid aeration is like taking a 2-lane road and making it a 6-lane highway, enabling water, air, and nutrients to go deeper and wider. Roots will chase and stretch to find this much-needed “food”. Topdressing is chock-full of the organic matter your soil desperately needs.
Fertilizer and Weed Control Round 3: April to May
“Color burst on the surface & an ounce of prevention under the surface”
Under the surface, it’s time to rid your lovely lawn from damaging grub infestations & promote color burst on the surface. We double-down on yielding thick, green, grass as spring sun and warmth bring an explosion of color and growth. Temperatures reaching into the 80’s means that we all find ourselves out and enjoying the weather, as do those tiny, damaging lawn pests, grub worms!

Noteworthy Ingredients:
- With additional rain and a double shot of nitrogen, your turf will grow tall, green, and lush.
- As the soil temperatures rise, grubs become active, working their way up to the roots of your turf where they feed throughout the spring, summer, and fall. We deploy the most effective product in the industry, killing grubs and armyworms for the entire year.
With St. Augustine lawns promoting the growth of “runners” is paramount, our goal remains the same grass density. We also apply the highest quality and longest-lasting grub control.
Noteworthy Ingredients:
- For grub control, we use a specifically formulated liquid application for St. Augustine and Zoysia grass, which lasts the entire year. It needs to receive at least an inch of water after it is applied to help spread the systemic throughout the entire lawn.
- The nitrogen helps the grass grow tall, lush, and green.
Note: We always spot-treat weeds as needed, utilizing our new formula (one for BERMUDA & another for ST. AUGUSTINE) and enhanced application technique.
Fertilizer and Weed Control Rounds 4, 5, & 6 May to September
“Rejuvenation when you need it most above & below the surface”
Our goal is to maintain the health and color of your turf and lightly feed it through the Texas heat. By adding organic matter, we achieve this without creating drought stress. Rising temperatures, longer sun exposure, and dry summer months put your lawn at risk of becoming unhealthy and experiencing discoloration from drought stress.
Noteworthy Ingredients:
- To increase the grass color, we add iron.
- Fulvic & Humic acid aids in thatch decomposition.
- Nitrogen greens without any burn
Note: We always spot treat weeds as needed, utilizing our new formula (one for BERMUDA & another for ST. AUGUSTINE) and enhanced application technique.
☞ Pro-Tip
While we love the ability to bake a dozen cookies on the dashboard of our pick-up come June, our lawns don’t necessarily agree. When temperatures rise, the soil will form a “waxy” coat to hold in the water it already has. While this is good for crops, it causes the water from your irrigation system to run off. Texas’s growth and drought make water restrictions an annual event, therefore, making the most of your water is paramount. We highly recommend Hydratain which gets 50% more water into your soil. The addition of chocolate loam adds soil depth thereby dramatically reducing the stress on your lawn and helping it stay green and healthy throughout the summer.
Fertilizer and Weed Control Round 7: September to October

Fall brings somewhat cooler temperatures and the third-highest amount of rain for the year. The dog days of summer may be over, but your root system and turf need a lot of “TLC”. We have developed a “new-brew” just for this time of year.
This very well may be the most important round for Bermuda lawns.
Noteworthy Ingredients:
- To improve the growth of beneficial micro-organisms and increase the nutrient holding capacity of the roots Humic & Fulvic Acid is beneficial. Moreover, it accelerates decomposed organic matter to become natural fertilizers for the soil.
- A 6-month weed control barrier kills weeds before they can mature. This is the highest quality on the market. (Big-box stores weed & feed only lasts 60 days and is not effective on a broad spectrum of weeds.)
Noteworthy Ingredients:
- To maintain leaf growth, a tad bit of nitrogen is applied.
- Our specialized pre-emergent is formulated for St. Augustine and Zoysia. We pay very special attention to how it is applied, ensuring no damage to the roots. (We have witnessed many St. Augustine lawns that have been damaged due to the fact they were “blanketed” with a heavy weed control product).
☞ Pro-Tip
Lawns with a history of brown patch should consider our fall disease prevention applications to stop the growth of fungus and ensure a greener spring.
Note: We always spot treat weeds, fungi, and turf-damaging insects as needed. With our new formula (one for BERMUDA & another for ST. AUGUSTINE) and application technique.
Fertilizer and Weed Control Round 8: November to December
“Soil conditioning for the winter months”
Even though the grass goes dormant in the winter, the soil and roots systems do not, they are recuperating, and the high pH soil needs constant attention. Shorter days and cooling trends lead to the first frost of the season and eventual dormancy.
Noteworthy Ingredients:
- Potassium plays a key role in the rejuvenation of areas that may have been impacted by drought stress.
- More sulfur is critical in reducing the high pH levels from limestone and our water supply.
- Magnesium is a critical micronutrient to sustain health into the winter months.
Note: We always spot treat weeds, fungi, and turf-damaging insects as needed. With our new formula (one for BERMUDA & another for ST. AUGUSTINE) and application technique.