Mowing your lawn is one of the most basic tasks you can do. However, so many people get it wrong. Basic doesn’t always mean simple. In this article, we are going to go over what you need to know about mowing so you can have the yard you’ve always dreamt you could.
Balance is key
If your lawn gets plenty of sun and it’s not cut too short, then it has the potential to be very healthy. Leaf blades can produce enough food for a healthy lawn like this. Your roots will be deep and full which means they’ll be able to find water and nutrients in your soil. This allows them to store more food. So, the higher you mow your lawn, the deeper the roots will be.
How much of the blade should you mow?
Grass grows from the bottom up. Cutting the top third of the blade will shade the lawn and promote that deeper root system we’ve talked about. Warm-season grasses should be trimmed at about 2 inches from the top. Mowing too low, or scalping, means you’ve cut the lawn too short. This can leave ugly brown patches where there’s uneven ground and can cause a strain on the roots. It also leads to weeds breaking through the turf. So, remember, cut 1/3 of the blade or 2 inches for your warm season grasses. No more, no less.
Mowing speed
We know you don’t love to mow your lawn. It’s not your favorite chore. However, rushing through the process may not be the best idea. It’s not the healthiest idea for your lawn. They say haste makes waste and you don’t want to make waste of your lawn, do you? Tall or wet grass needs a steady hand. Even dry cuts can cause shearing and poorly mulched clippings. You must be careful when you mow your lawn so take your time and do it right the first time or you could have problems that require more expensive treatments down the line. Use a medium mower speed for the most part.
When to mow your lawn
It’s not an exact science as to when you should mow your lawn. You shouldn’t necessarily mow once a week or even once a month. You should wait until the grass grows long enough that cutting 1/3 of that blade will NOT hinder its growth or health. When lawns are in quick growth periods, you should, obviously, mow more often. When they are in slow growth periods, mow less often. Never, ever, cut off so much of the grass that it’s not green any longer.
A few tips for before you mow
- Make sure the mower blades are sharp. A dull blade tears at the grass rather than cutting it. This can lead to insects or disease.
- Check your mower deck. Make sure it’s clean and there’s no grass build-up there.
- Clear any sticks or stones out of the way BEFORE you mow. These can damage your mower.
- Don’t mow if the lawn is wet. Why? Mowing a wet lawn gives an uneven cut. It also causes the cuts to be shredded and not clean which is not good for your grass.
- Don’t let children mow the lawn until they are old enough and strong enough to handle it.
- Mow in different patterns each time or you could get tire ruts and other marks in the lawn.
Of course, there’s more we could say about mowing the lawn, but we think you get the hint. Mowing the lawn is not a difficult job, but it does require some thought. Mowing is one of the best things you can do for your lawn if you do it right. If you have any questions on mowing your lawn, contact Emerald Lawns at 512-990-2199.