In the spring, Emerald Lawns begins applying our annual grub guard (grub worm control) treatments. Here are some common questions we receive regarding this treatment:
Q. My bill shows a new amount for “grub worm control.” What is this?
A. Grub control guards your lawn against grubs and other turf-damaging insects.
When you signed up for Emerald Lawns fertilization and weed control services, your representative also let you know about our annual grub guard treatment. (The treatment also shows in a separate line on the welcome letter we sent you.) This treatment is a vital part of your lawn’s health! The granular application helps prevent grubs and other insects, such as army worms, from damaging your grass.
Q. How long does the grub guard last?
A. Grub control guards your lawn for up to one year.
We apply this guard only once a year. We guarantee this grub guard for one year. That means that within one year, we will reapply the treatment if needed.
Q. I don’t have grubs. Why do I need this treatment?
A. The treatment prevents not only grubs but other bugs.
Our treatments guard against other bugs that could damage your grass, such as mole crickets, chinch bugs, and army worms. It also helps keep out other pests.
Q. Can I remove the grub guard treatment?
A. The treatment is optional, but highly recommended.
The grub guard treatment is not required, but highly recommended. If you like, we can certainly remove this grass protection from your account.
Grub prevention is an important part of keeping your lawn healthy. The guard works like insurance to prevent insects from devastating your lawn.
For example, in summer 2016, several Central Texas lawns were invaded by army worms. Many people called Emerald Lawns for help, and added the turf-damaging insect guard. In some cases, we were able to prevent further damage. But army worms destroyed some lawns within hours, often before the homeowner noticed.
Your grass needs protection that guaranteed grub prevention can give.
For any other questions or needs, reach out to Emerald Lawns! You can use our website, email, or call (512) 990-2199.